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Im fasinating interesting and another twilight freak and i like weirding out random unknown people.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Artist Statement

When I started Advanced Media Arts, I was very excited due to the fact that I love photography and that I had taken the previous course last year. I wanted to discover what lied ahead in Adv Media Arts so I was really happy. I am very happy I took this class because I learned a lot of stuff that I love , I plan on being a photographer so everyday I would look foward to this class so I could know more about photography and photoshop. The first assignment we did was to imitate your chosen classic artist and mine was Alfred Eisenstaedt and I liked this assignment because I got to learn how to take photographs like him and making them old school by editing them with a specific set of adjusments; the contrast/brilliance, Saturation/lightness, Shadows/Highlights, Exposure/ Luminance among other things. Another reason I liked that project was because we got to edit pictures we took into pictures they took, So I put the photo of my younger brother among his photo of excited little kids, the picture fit well and it looked authentic, I made that happen by using various tools such as the clone tool, healing tool, blur tool, the magic wand and many other tools. The next assignment was Typography and that was the assignment I struggled with the most, because I felt like my pictures didn't fit with the font/writing and vise versa. Even though it was difficult for me I still liked doing it because I learned a lot of things about typography and how important fonts impact an image and how you can make the photo go well with the font. For the typography assignment I used more tools such as the typing tool, the filters such as embossing and I used the sponge tool to draw attention to certain things, I experimented with the use of layers and the blending mode of layers. For the last assignment I emulated Annie Leibovitz and this project was my favorite. When I learned about her I instantly because enamored with her photography style, I love how she can capture the personality of certain person and make the picture amazing and visually fulfilling. She had her own unique style and her subjects often became comfortable with her because she was easygoing. I want to be like that. I also liked how her photos where edited, they look so mysterious and eye catching. I did a photo shoot and took pitures of my subject, Barbara and I edited them sublety using almost the same tools for the old school project:the contrast/brilliance, Saturation/lightness, Shadows/Highlights, Exposure/ Luminance I desaturated slightly and the results were very good in my opinion. This was my favorite assignment to cover and I'm glad I got to do it. In conclusion, I loved taking this class because it taught me a lot of things I'm sure I will use and because I am very passionate about photography. This class made me realize that I would absolutely love to become both a talented photographer and a graphic designer with crazy good photoshop skills. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010



When I started this project I thought it would be easy, Soon I came to the conclusion it was the hardest work I have ever done. it was very frustrating and I made a two mistakes. I was overwhelmed and stumped on what to do. I felt very confused. When I finshed it I inspected it critically and realized it was my best work so far. I learned that all that rigorous maddening work paid off because the results were amazingly satisfactory. I am very proud of myself not to mention happy. THe reason I did not do the other poem was because I sadly did not have any time, as I was too busy working on this poem.
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When I started this project I thought it would be easy, Soon I came to the conclusion it was the hardest work I have ever done. it was very frustrating and I made a two mistakes. I was overwhelmed and stumped on what to do. I felt very confused. When I finshed it I inspected it critically and realized it was my best work so far. I learned that all that rigorous maddening work paid off because the results were amazingly satisfactory. I am very proud of myself not to mention happy. THe reason I did not do the other poem was because I sadly did not have any time, as I was too busy working on this poem.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Homage to Alfred eisenstaedt

For the  vintage-sepia pictures I just used iPhoto  but for the black and white photoshopped ones I used Adobe. I can really see the progress  between last year's photographs I photoshopped and this year's. I still used the same tools suc has clone tool, smudge tool, blur tool, magic wand tool, and more. I added noise on most of them and combined the black and white. My personal favorite is "Marilyn Monroe and Me"

Friday, September 17, 2010

William Eggleston was born in July 27 1939, and he is currently 71 years old. He is known for color photography.
He has to kids(now grown up) and his wife supports his photography. I like him because although he is super famous and fantastic at photography, he is really humble modest and submissive. He had a habit of mumbling that required subtitles in the movies. When we watched the documentary, I realized he is kind of an alcoholic and smokes cigarette after cigarette. I really hope he is getting rid of his smoking and drinking, and  getting help. Other than that he is a great artist.
In conclusion,I think he is one of the most talented photographers that I know of. I really admire his photos and photography style. Hopefully I will take photos that good someday.