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Im fasinating interesting and another twilight freak and i like weirding out random unknown people.

Friday, September 17, 2010

William Eggleston was born in July 27 1939, and he is currently 71 years old. He is known for color photography.
He has to kids(now grown up) and his wife supports his photography. I like him because although he is super famous and fantastic at photography, he is really humble modest and submissive. He had a habit of mumbling that required subtitles in the movies. When we watched the documentary, I realized he is kind of an alcoholic and smokes cigarette after cigarette. I really hope he is getting rid of his smoking and drinking, and  getting help. Other than that he is a great artist.
In conclusion,I think he is one of the most talented photographers that I know of. I really admire his photos and photography style. Hopefully I will take photos that good someday.