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Im fasinating interesting and another twilight freak and i like weirding out random unknown people.

Thursday, December 16, 2010



When I started this project I thought it would be easy, Soon I came to the conclusion it was the hardest work I have ever done. it was very frustrating and I made a two mistakes. I was overwhelmed and stumped on what to do. I felt very confused. When I finshed it I inspected it critically and realized it was my best work so far. I learned that all that rigorous maddening work paid off because the results were amazingly satisfactory. I am very proud of myself not to mention happy. THe reason I did not do the other poem was because I sadly did not have any time, as I was too busy working on this poem.
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When I started this project I thought it would be easy, Soon I came to the conclusion it was the hardest work I have ever done. it was very frustrating and I made a two mistakes. I was overwhelmed and stumped on what to do. I felt very confused. When I finshed it I inspected it critically and realized it was my best work so far. I learned that all that rigorous maddening work paid off because the results were amazingly satisfactory. I am very proud of myself not to mention happy. THe reason I did not do the other poem was because I sadly did not have any time, as I was too busy working on this poem.